Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) is presenting the Public Safety Realignment Implementation Plan Budget for Fiscal Year 2013/2014 and The Public Safety Realignment Implementation Plan for Fiscal Year 2013/2014, and recommending the Board accept the Budget and Plan.
FUNDING: California State Budget. (Public Safety Realignment.)
Total Estimated Cost…………… $4,100,000.00
Budgeted………………………… $4,100,000.00
New Funding…………………….
Total Funding Available………… $4,100,000.00
Change To Net County Cost…… $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
No fiscal impact or change to net county cost as funding and expenditures for this plan will be addressed in the addenda process for Fiscal Year 2013/2014.
Assembly Bill (AB) 109, titled “2011 Realignment Legislation Addressing Public Safety” was signed by the Governor on April 4, 2011. This bill was effective on June 30, 2011 having been funded through the state budget process. Since 2011, the El Dorado County Community Corrections Partnership (CCP), a legislatively established planning committee for local justice realignment, has met and established annual plans and annual realignment budgets for approval by the Board of Supervisors. The first year plan / budget (Fiscal Year 2011/2012) is completed / implemented. The “Second Year Plan” (Fiscal Year 2012 /2013) was approved by the Board of Supervisors on July 31, 2012 and is being implemented by all involved agencies.
The legislation directs that the Chief Probation Officer is the Chair of the CCP for each County. The Chief Probation Officer called the CCP into noticed public session on June 13, 2013. During this meeting, the CCP Executive Committee voted and approved by a majority vote, as required by law, to approve the Public Safety Realignment Implementation Plan Budget Fiscal Year 2013/2014 and the Third Year Public Safety Realignment Implementation Plan (Fiscal...
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