Community Development Services, Department of Transportation, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the First Amendment to Timber Reimbursement Agreement 492-O1711 between the County and RJJ Resource Management Corp, extending the term of the Agreement an additional three years to December 31, 2020, and modifying the rate schedule to increase the unit price paid to the County for Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, Jeffrey Pine, and White Fir timber logs, starting with the effective date of the First Amendment and continuing through the extended term.
FUNDING: Revenue resulting from the Timber Reimbursement Agreement will be used to partially offset the County's costs incurred in removing trees that are dead or dying due to bark beetle infestation. Funding for the removal of such trees is provided by California Disaster Assistance Act Funds (75% - State) and General Fund (25% - Local).
Community Development Services (CDS), Department of Transportation (Transportation), recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the First Amendment (Amendment 1) to Timber Reimbursement Agreement 492-O1711 between the County and RJJ Resource Management Corp (RJJ), extending the term of the Agreement an additional three years to December 31, 2020, and modifying the rate schedule to increase the unit price paid to the County for Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, Jeffrey Pine, and White Fir timber logs, starting with the effective date of Amendment 1 and continuing through the extended term.
On May 9, 2017 (Item 27), the Board approved the Timber Reimbursement Agreement 492-O1711 (Agreement) with American TongRen, Inc. (the company name changed to RJJ prior to signing), under which the County is paid for the sale of timber products associated with the County’s Tree Mortality Hazard Tree Removal Plan. Removed trees greater than 8” diameter inside bark are being trucked to West Sacrament...
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