Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 169-2020 revising the timeline for bringing forward a new agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe for future use of the area commonly known as the “56-Acres” within the City of South Lake Tahoe.
On January 14, 2020, both the City Council and the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors approved respective resolutions, which contain the proposed terms to be included in a new agreement for the future use of the area commonly known as the “56-Acres” (Legistar Item 20-0024, Resolution 007-2020). The primary agreement relative to the 55 acres is set to expire in 2023.
The Board also directed staff to proceed with developing the agreement and lease for property, and to explore other alternatives for future uses of the land. The County and City are currently in the outreach phase of a Master Plan process for the area, which will inform both the California Environmental Quality Act document as well as the specific terms of the new agreement and associated lease for the area. Pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15378(a)(3), an activity involving the issuance of a lease by a public agency is considered a project under CEQA and therefore subject to CEQA review, meaning that the CEQA document must be completed prior to approval of the lease.
The item noted that a final agreement and lease for the subject property will not be presented for final approval until all applicable environmental reviews have been completed. However, though the Resolution directed the Chief Administrative Officer to present an agreement to the Board of Supervisors and City Council for consideration later in 2020, it is anticipated that the 56-Arcre Master Planning process, including the CEQA document, will be completed near the end of 2021.
Due to this timing, it is necessary to revise the timeline set forward as part of the Board’s resolution. A new reso...
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