Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board:
1) Receive and file a presentation from City of South Lake Tahoe staff on the 56 Acre Park Master Planning efforts which will include the preferred site plan as well as one alternative for consideration; and
2) Provide conceptual approval to explore the construction of the Multi-Generation Center on the county-owned north side of the 56 Acres as depicted in both concepts presented by City of South Lake Tahoe staff and direct the Chief Administrative Officer to schedule a closed session with the Board of Supervisors on May 4, 2021, to discuss terms relative to the transfer of county-owned portions of the 56 Acres from the County to the City.
Under the terms of multiple agreements initially executed in 1968 and amended numerous times over the past 52 years, the City and the County have jointly utilized an area within the City of South Lake Tahoe, known as the “56-Acres”. This land is owned in part by both government entities and has historically been utilized for recreation and government facilities serving the people of South Lake Tahoe and nearby unincorporated areas of El Dorado County. The most significant of the existing agreements expires in 2023. On January 14, 2020, both the City of South Lake Tahoe Council and the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors approved resolutions with the proposed terms to be included in a new agreement for the future use of the area (Legistar Item 20-0024, Resolution 007-2020). The terms reflect input received from elected officials representing both entities, incorporate ideas and concepts generated during previous master planning efforts.
Due to the upcoming expiration of the lease, a joint meeting with the Board of Supervisors and the South Lake Tahoe City Council is being held for both governing bodies to receive a presentation and ask questions relative to the concepts.
A copy of the staff report and concept designs fo...
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