File #: 25-0125    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 1/3/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action: 2/11/2025
Title: Planning and Building Department, Economic Development and Administration Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer increasing appropriations for Professional Services and Revenue by $100,000 for broadband LATA-funded network design and engineering services. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: Local Agency Technical Assistance Grant Funds (100%).
Attachments: 1. A - LATA Budget Transfer, 2. Executed Budget Transfer
Related files: 24-0850, 22-1895
Planning and Building Department, Economic Development and Administration Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer increasing appropriations for Professional Services and Revenue by $100,000 for broadband LATA-funded network design and engineering services. (4/5 vote required)

FUNDING: Local Agency Technical Assistance Grant Funds (100%).
On October 10, 2022 (Legistar file 22-1895), the Board accepted a Local Agency Technical Assistance (LATA) grant award in the amount of $500,000 from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for broadband network design and engineering.

During this time, the Planning and Building Department, Economic Development and Administration Division (Department), also began pursuing a CPUC Federal Funding Account (FFA) grant to secure funding for the last-mile broadband infrastructure work (construction and management of the network) resulting from completion of the LATA-funded design and engineering. Although the Department awarded a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the LATA design and engineering services in October of 2023, the Department did not begin the contracting process until May of 2024 to ensure consistency with the FFA grant application that was submitted on September 25, 2024.

On July 16, 2024 (Legistar file 24-0850), the Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign Agreement 8774 with NEO Fiber, Inc. for the provision of as-needed broadband design and engineering services for Garden Valley and Indian Creek, in the amount of $500,000, and a term of one (1) year.

As a result of Agreement 8774 being executed in Fiscal Year of 2024-25, the Department is requesting a budget transfer to increase appropriations for Professional Services and Revenue in the amount of $100,000 for Fiscal Year 2024-25. The requested budget transfer will accommodate the entirety of the LATA-funded design and engineering services, as well as ...

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