Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following pertaining to the Greenstone Road at Slate Creek - Bridge Replacement Project, CIP 77137/36105019, Contract 3605:
1) Approve and adopt the Plans and Contract Documents and authorize the Chair to sign the Plans; and
2) Authorize advertisement for construction bids.
FUNDING: Highway Bridge Program (99%), RSTP Exchange Funds (<1%) (Federal Funds).
The purpose of the Greenstone Road at Slate Creek - Bridge Replacement Project (Project) is to replace the existing bridge built in 1925 that is functionally obsolete by today's standards. Based on the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) inspection reports, the bridge has a sufficiency rating of 46 out of 100 and is eligible for replacement per the Highway Bridge Program.
The Project consists of relocation and abandonment of an existing EID waterline, construction of a new cast-in-place concrete slab bridge over Slate Creek, removal of the existing structure and obliteration of the existing roadway alignment, grading and paving for the new bridge approaches and re-aligned roadway, guardrail and fence installation, roadway and ditch excavation, rock slope protection installation, signing and striping, and permanent erosion control installation. The project is staged such that the EID waterline work will occur in 2019 and the bridge replacement work will occur in 2020, with a long-term full closure of Greenstone Road as described below.
Greenstone Road will be fully closed to traffic as shown on the detour plan (Attachment C) for up to one hundred eighty-six (186) calendar days. Access for local residents and visitors, as well as emergency personnel and law enforcement will be via the Ponderosa Road Exit (Exit 37) off of Highway 50 and Mother Lode Drive from the west, and the El Dorado Road exit (Exit 43) off of Highway 50 and Mother Lode Drive from the east. Staff will notify the public of this ...
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