Hearing to consider adoption of Resolution 206-2007 establishing a new agricultural preserve (No 310/Williamson Act Contract WAC06-0014) consisting of 35.2 acres on APN 046-061-37 in the Somerset area; and Ordinance 4741 to rezone APN 046-061-37 from Estate Residential Ten-acre (RE-10) to Agricultural Preserve (AP) requested by Greg and Sharon Baiocchi. (District II) (Cont'd 3-13-07, Item 36)
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Planning Commission recommending the Board take the following action: 1. Find the project categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15317 of the CEQA Guidelines; 2. Approve WAC06-0014 establishing a new agricultural preserve on the subject property; and 3. Approve Z06-0039 rezoning Assessor's Parcel Number 046-061-37 from Estate Residential Ten-acre (RE-10) to Agricultural Preserve (AP), based on the findings listed on Attachment 1.
Background: These applications were first considered by the Planning Commission on February 8, 2007. A representative of an adjacent property owner spoke in opposition due to the impact from the 200-foot setback requirement. The applications were continued to the meeting of July 12 to allow staff time to work on some type of relief from the setback requirements. On July 12, 2007, Bill Stephans, Agricultural Commissioner, said their department has been directed by the Board of Supervisors to review all parcels adjacent to these types of agricultural parcels for possible reductions in setbacks. They will be recommending reductions in setbacks on some of the adjacent ten parcels at the Board hearing on August 14. The only input received on July 12 was from Valerie Zetner, El Dorado County Farm Bureau, who spoke in favor of the request. The Planning Commission recommended approval on a 4-0 vote, with Commissioner Tolhurst being absent.
There were no new significant issues discussed other than those in the staff report.
Contact: Gregory L. Fuz (5445)/Lawrence W. Appeal (7698)/Peter N. Maurer (5331)