Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division, recommending the Board:
1) Approve and accept funding for the following California Department of Parks and Recreation, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Project Agreements for the Rubicon Trail projects for a total of $854,768 and authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or his designee to execute the agreements and any amendments that do not change the dollar amount of said Agreements:
a) G19-03-06-G01 for Grounds Operations-Annual Operations and Maintenance in the amount of $142,706 plus match requirement of $54,859 for a total of $197,565, for a one year period;
b) G19-03-06-S01 for Education and Safety in the amount of $76,353 plus match requirement of $34,971 for a total of $96,204.78 for a one year period;
c) G19-03-06-D01 for Development in the amount of $171,841 plus match requirement of $60,378 for a total of $232,219, for a three year period;
d) G19-03-06-D02 (Tahoma) for Development in the amount of $463,868 plus match requirement of $161,269 for a total of $625,137, for a three year period; and
2) Approve and authorize the chair to sign Resolution 208-2021 accepting the grants for FY 2020-21, State Grant cycle G19.
FUNDING: State Parks and Recreation, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Division Grant Funding (72%), Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Grant (14%), Off-Highway Vehicle Fees (8%), Sacramento Municipal Utility District Funds (4%), Volunteer or in-kind (2%).
The Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program of the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division provides financial assistance to public entities and other qualified entities to help with the management of off-highway recreation. The program supports planning, acquisition, development, maintenance, administration, operation, enforcement, restoration, and conservation of trails, trail heads, and other facilities associated with the use of off-highway motor vehi...
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