County Counsel recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 194-2016, which adopts a revised County Conflict of Interest Code and rescinds Resolution 244-2014.
County Counsel recommends the Board approve the attached Resolution 194-2016, which adopts a revised County Conflict of Interest Code and rescinds Resolution 244-2014.
State Law requires that the County periodically update its local conflict of interest code. County Counsel has reviewed the present code and recommends certain changes to include new employment positions, revise titles of existing positions, and delete positions that no longer exist or make or participate in making governmental decisions. The attached Resolution incorporates the recommended changes
The state Political Reform Act, Government Code §81000 et seq., contains several sections dealing with conflicts of interest of public officials, including a prohibition on participating in a decision in which the official has a financial interest, a requirement that the official disclose certain economic interests, and a prohibition on receiving gifts and honoraria.
State law also requires that each local public agency adopt its own local conflict of interest code, which must contain certain specified provisions, including a designation of specific employment positions with the public entity that make decisions which may have an effect on economic interests, and a description of the type of economic interest each designated employee must disclose on his or her statement of economic interest.
In order to simplify the process for local public entities, state law permits a local public entity to adopt a particular state regulation, Title 2, California Code of Regulations (2 CCR) §18730, as its conflict of interest code, and attach to it an appendix of designated employees plus an appendix of disclosure categories for each of the designat...
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