Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize Purchasing Agent to sign Amendment III to Agreement 271-S1310 (FENIX 525), with Hilltop Tree Service, to provide certified arborist services and reports, and tree and brush cutting services for matters of public safety on an “as requested” basis to County departments, increasing the total not to exceed amount of the Agreement by $50,000 for a new total not to exceed amount of $212,196, with no change to the term of the Agreement.
FUNDING: General Fund (50%) and Road Fund (50%).
Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize Purchasing Agent to sign Amendment III to Agreement No. 271-S1310 (FENIX #525), with Hilltop Tree Service, to provide certified arborist services and reports, and tree and brush cutting services for matters of public safety on an “as requested” basis to County departments, increasing the total not to exceed amount of the Agreement by $50,000 for a new total not to exceed amount of $212,196, with no change to the term of the Agreement.
Hilltop Tree Service is an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist who has been serving El Dorado County since 1979. They specialize in all aspects of tree care including crown reduction, crown cleaning, thinning, pruning, falling, bracing and other services. The County has been successfully using their services since 2011. Agreement for services #271-S1310 had an original term of November 9, 2012 to November 8, 2015 with a not-to-exceed amount of $45,000. The first amendment increased this amount ot $62,196 with no change to the term. The second amendment increased the amount to $162,196, increased the rates for services, and extended the term to November 8, 2018.
This third amendment increases the amount to $212,196 with no change to the term or the f...
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