Sheriff’s Office recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer increasing revenues and appropriations in the Fingerprint Identification (ID) Special Revenue Fund and the Sheriff's Office budgets by $25,430 in order to add the California Identification Remote Access Network (Cal-ID RAN) Board budget approved on October 23, 2017 (4/5 vote required); and
2) Authorize the addition of one Live Scan Machine to the Sheriff’s Office Fiscal Year 2017/18 fixed asset list at an approximate cost of $38,000.
FUNDING: Fingerprint ID Special Revenue Fund.
The Sheriff’s Office (SO) recommends the Board’s approval and authorization for the Chair to sign the budget transfer and authorize the addition of the fixed asset.
The proposed budget transfer increases revenues and appropriations to add to the County Fiscal Year 2017/18 Budget the Cal-ID RAN Board budget. The Cal-ID RAN Board approved this budget on October 23, 2017. This budget transfer would increase the budgeted revenues and expenditures to $146,430.
The budget transfer form for the new FENIX system was not finalized at the time of this item so the Sheriff’s Office used old form with the FAMIS index codes and subobjects. A spreadsheet showing the Cal-ID RAN Board approved budget, the necessary changes to the budget in FAMIS, and a FAMIS/FENIX Project String crosswalk is attached in order to make clear what project strings the budget transfer is for in the new FENIX system.
The addition of the Live Scan machine will allow the Sheriff’s Office to replace a machine that is at end-of-life. Once the machines reach this point it becomes very expensive to maintain them or the company will no longer support any maintenance on them.
Not approving the budget transfer would result in the inability to draw down non-General fund revenues to cover Cal-ID RAN Board costs. Not authorizing the addition of...
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