Community Development Agency, Administration and Finance Division, recommending the Board receive and file a Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program Report, providing an update on the annual revenues and expenditures of the Program, the Capital Improvement Programs funded with Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees, and costs associated with administering the Program (est. time: 20 min).
FUNDING: Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees (No Federal Funds)
Community Development Agency (CDA), Administration and Finance Division , recommending the Board receive and file the Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program Report.
On June 15, 2016, there was a full page advertisement in the Mountain Democrat (Ad) from “Friends of El Dorado County,” comparing TIM fees collected in TIM Fee Zones 1-7 with staff labor costs over a five-year time period (Fiscal Year 2010/11 [FY10/11] through Fiscal Year 2014/15). The purpose of the ad appears to be to show that an excessive percentage of the TIM Fee revenue is spent on staff costs.
On August 2, 2016 (Item 9), the Board directed CDA to provide an update on the TIM Fee Program (Program), including annual revenue and expenditures, capital improvement projects funded by TIM fees, and costs associated with administration of the Program.
The purpose of the Program is to provide funding for projects to mitigate roadway impacts associated with development related growth. Project costs funded by TIM fees include planning, design/engineering, necessary studies, right-of-way acquisition, environmental review, legal review, and construction. These phases can be completed by staff, consultants, or a combination of both. Staff labor is necessary to achieve all of these phases, including Program administration.
There are several items of note with the aforementioned Ad in the Mountain Democrat. First, only TIM Fee Zones 1-7 were shown, which represent a very small percentage of the ove...
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