Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Amendment II to Agreement for Services 545-S1311 with Moore, Iacofano & Goltsman, Incorporated, pending review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, adding additional services to include hosting an evening public meeting and a joint work session with the City of South Lake Tahoe and the County of El Dorado for presentation and approval of a Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan. Compensation for Services will be amended to increase the not to exceed amount from $135,000.00 to $140,700.00.
Funding: General Fund.
Total Estimated Cost…………… $140,700
Budgeted………………………… $72,850
New Funding…………………….
Other…………………………… $77,850
Total Funding Available………… $140,700
Change To Net County Cost…… $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
This amendment will increase the contract by $5,700 which will be split equally with the City of South Lake Tahoe and County of El Dorado. The County portion of $2,850.00 will be absorbed in the Parks Division's budget.
Reason for Recommendation
In April of 2013, the County of El Dorado and the CIty of South Lake Tahoe, jointly, entered into an agreement with Moore, Iacofano & Goltsman, Incorporated (MIG) to prepare a comprehensive Parks, Trails, and Recreation Master Plan for the eastern slope of El Dorado County, also known as the community of South Lake Tahoe, California. MIG met with the community, major stakeholders and focus groups to identify the needs of the community. Based on the information gathered from these meetings, MIG has prepared a Draft Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan which is in the public comment period.
The City of South Lake Tahoe and County staff incurred delays in obtaining the information required by the consultant and for this reason the consultant shifted the schedule and t...
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