Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Amendment I to Facility Use Agreement 5070 with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Amador, El Dorado Unit for the continued use of the Juvenile Hall located at 299 Fair Lane, Placerville for the housing of up-to twenty-two (22) firefighters 24/7 through January 31, 2023.
On August 25, 2020, the Board approved Facility Use Agreement No.5070 with Cal Fire for use of the vacant Juvenile Hall located at 299 Fair Lane, Placerville through June 30, 2021. This crew was utilized to provide additional fire suppression resources to the communities of El Dorado, Amador, Alpine, San Joaquin and Sacramento counties. Additionally they were be able to respond to medical aids, rescues, large vehicle fires, structure fires both residential and commercial, and hazardous material issues.
The Cal Fire Amador El Dorado Unit has requested permission to move back in for the 2021 fire season. Because the current agreement expires June 30, 2021, and fire seasons typically run through December 31, this amendment is brought forward for the Board’s approval. In addition to the term extension the amendment incorporates the following changes:
A) Cal Fire will absorb the entire cost of the utilities (minus the contribution from El Dorado County Court Department 8, which occupies the downstairs area of the building).
B) A mechanism to deactivate and reactivate the agreement.
C) Access to 20 additional parking stalls.
Cal Fire could rent ten hotels rooms per night at an average cost of almost $200 per room costing Cal Fire $2,000 per night versus $7,200 per month for the use of Juvenile Hall.
August 25, 2020; Legistar File No. 20-1048; Item No. 5: Approval of Facility Use Agreement No. 5070 with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for use of the Juv...
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