Supervisor Novasel, as the Board's representative on the First 5 El Dorado, Children and Families First Commission, in accordance with the adopted by-laws, requesting the Board consider the following:
1) Appoint Alexis Zoss as the County Social Services representative with a term to expire May 31, 2018; and
2) Discuss appointing two (2) vacant Community Representative positions from the applications received.
A Notice of Vacancy for the two (2) Community Representative positions was posted on April 1, 2015. The Clerk of the Board received three (3) applications and provided copies to Supervisor Novasel's office as the adopted Commission Bylaws direct.
Bylaws Section II. Members of the Commission are appointed in accordance with the process established by the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors for County Commissions:
A. Applicants contact the Clerk of the Board and receive an Application for County of El Dorado Board, Commission or Committee.
B. Completed applications are submitted to the Clerk of the Board, who forwards to the Supervisor representing the Commission, requests that he/she review the
application, and make a recommendation.
C. The Board of Supervisors will appoint Commissioners to the First 5 El Dorado Children and Families Commission.