Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board take the following actions related to the Silva Valley Parkway Class I/II Bike Path/Lane Project Capital Improvement Program Project No. 72310:
1) Adopt the California Environmental Quality Act Mitigated Negative Declaration; and
2) Approve the Project as described in the California Environmental Quality Act document.
FUNDING: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (100%). (Federal Funds)
Community Development Agency, Transportation Division (Transportation), recommends the Board adopt the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and approve the Silva Valley Parkway Class I/II Bike Path/Lane Project Capital Improvement Program Project (Project) as described in the CEQA MND.
The recommended Board actions are based on the following findings:
A) The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document on file with the Clerk of the Board, and on the Community Development Agency, Transportation Division website, http://www.edcgov.us/DOT/index.html, was prepared pursuant to Public Resources Code §21000 et seq., and the State CEQA Guidelines.
B) There is no substantial evidence that the Project, as mitigated, will have a significant effect on the environment.
C) The Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Project reflects the lead agency’s independent judgment and analysis.
Transportation is proposing to design and construct 1.1 miles of a Class I multi-use path adjacent to Silva Valley Parkway and 2 miles of Class II bike lanes along Silva Valley Parkway.
The project was programmed for funding by the El Dorado County Transportation Commission on March 6, 2014, and is being funded by Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program funds administered by Caltrans on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration and with toll credits. The purpose of the project is to provi...
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