Transportation Department recommending Chairman be authorized to terminate the current Fixed Base Operator Agreement 557-L0611 with Lester T. Braithwaite, dba Mobil Aircraft Technicians and sign the Fourth Addendum to Lease Agreement with Scott Herring, dba AirFilm Camera Systems for rental of County Hangar CH-01 at the Georgetown Airport. (4/5 vote required per County Ordinance 3.08.021)
FUNDING: Georgetown Airport Enterprise Fund - Fee Revenue.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
The County will receive monthly revenue in the amount of $525.00. There is no net cost to the County General Fund associated with this agenda item.
Reason for Recommendation:
Lester Braithwaite entered into a Fixed Base Operators Lease Agreement with the County and rented the County Hangar CH-01. Mr. Braithwaite gave notice of termination of his agreement and is now working at Placerville Airport for Placerville Aviation. Scott Herring currently operates AirFilm at Georgetown Airport in the adjacent hangar to County Hangar CH-01. Mr. Herring contacted the Aviation Division and requested to rent the County Hangar CH-01 to use for aircraft storage and pay the current rental amount. The approval will allow the airport to continue recieving necessary rental income for its operation.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1. The Chairman will sign Fourth Addendum to Lease Agreement.
2. Clerk of the Board will forward copy of fully-executed Lease Addendum to the Department for transmittal to the Lessee.
James W. Ware, P.E.
Director of Transportation
Concurrences: County Counsel