Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board:
1) Receive a presentation from El Dorado County departments receiving funding from the El Dorado - Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Cooperation Agreement special revenue fund as requested at the September 10, 2019, (19-1215) SMUD Fund Board Presentation; and
2) Provide direction to staff on the need to return to the Board with an analysis of the impact of any recommended revisions to the current SMUD fund expenditure practices. (Est. Time: 1.5 Hr.)
On September 10, 2019, with Legistar item 19-1215 the Board received a presentation on the history of the El Dorado - Sacramento Municipal Utility District Cooperation Agreement special revenue fund (SMUD funds). After the presentation, the Board provided direction that staff “return to the Board with detailed information, including historical information on where the funds have been used and the requirements surrounding the funding, from all current recipients receiving funding from the El Dorado - Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Cooperation Agreement special revenue fund including the Georgetown Divide Public Utility District (GDPUD).”
Staff reached out to GDPUD to present during this item but they were not able to attend. GDPUD receives 9/59ths of the annual SMUD payment. The agreement for this payment is outlined in the GDPUD Transition Agreement approved by the Board on March 3, 2009 (Legistar 09-0298).
A joint presentation has been prepared by the Department of Transportation, Sheriff’s Office, and Chief Administrative Office - Parks Division on how SMUD funds have been used historically along with a brief discussion of future needs (Attachment A).
Staff from the three programs have created a SMUD Fund Expenditure Report (Attachment B) outlining in detail for each program receiving SMUD funds: the services provided, how the program benefits the public, the relationship to the Upper American R...
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