Hearing to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission on Williamson Act Contract WAC12-0002/Dan Varozza Preserve and Williamson Act Contract WAC12-0003/Modification to Agricultural Preserve No. 36 on property identified by APNs 087-021-20, 087-021-27, 087-021-28, 087-021-30, 087-021-42, 087-040-35, 087-040-89, 087-040-91, 087-123-01, 091-020-07, 091-020-21, 091-030-21, 091-040-14, 091-140-01, 091-140-03, 091-200-13, and 091-200-14, consisting of 226 acres (WAC12-0002) and 1,852 acres (WAC12-0003), in the Latrobe area, submitted by Dan Varozza; and recommending the Board take the following actions:
1) Certify that the projects are Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15317;
2) Approve Williamson Act Contract WAC12-0002, Agricultural Preserve No. 324, for APN 087-021-30, consisting of 226 acres, based on the Findings listed in Attachment 1;
3) Approve Williamson Act Contract WAC12-0003, modifying Agricultural Preserve No. 36, for APNs 087-021-20, 087-021-27, 087-021-28, 087-021-42, 087-040-35, 087-040-89, 087-040-91, 087-123-01, 091-020-07, 091-020-21, 091-030-21, 091-040-14, 091-140-01, 091-140-03, 091-200-13, and 091-200-14, consisting of 1,852 acres, based on the Findings listed in Attachment 1;
4) Adopt Resolution 172-2012 for Williamson Act Contract 12-0002 and Resolution 173-2012 for Williamson Act Contract 12-0003; and
5) Direct applicant to submit 3 signed, notarized Williamson Act Contracts that are to include the signatures of all deeded owners of APNs 087-021-27, 087-021-28, and 091-020-21. (Supervisorial District 2) (Est. Time 30 Min.)
Request to consider Williamson Act Contract WAC12-0002/Dan Varozza Preserve and Williamson Act Contract WAC12-0003/Modification to Agricultural Preserve No. 36 submitted by DAN VAROZZA to establish new Agricultural Preserves as follows: 1. Establish a new Agricultural Preserve for 226 acres; and 2. Modify existing Agricultural Preserve for 1,852 acres. The property...
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