Chief Administrative Office, Airports Division, recommending the Board take the following actions:
1) Approve and authorize the Chief Administrative Office to reallocate funds from the Placerville Airport Enterprise Fund balance to Fixed Assets, as outlined in Attachment A, for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 to enable the purchase of a M4000 Self-Serve Fuel Terminal to replace the current M3000 Self-Serve Fuel Terminal at the Placerville Airport, add the item to the approved fixed asset list for the FY 20-2021 budget, and authorize the Department to purchase the Fixed Asset prior to adoption of the Final Budget;
2) Find that, in accordance with County Procurement Policy Section 5.9 (b) that the unique nature of the property or services required precludes competitive bidding;
3) Find that, in accordance with County Procurement Policy Section 5.9 (c) that competitive bidding would produce no economic benefit to the County;
4) Approve a Property Transfer Request to allow the M3000 Self-Serve Fuel Terminal to be used as a trade-in for the new M4000 Self-Serve Fuel Terminal;
5) Approve the initiation of a perpetual subscription service agreement with QTPod, LLC, and authorize the Chair to sign the agreement;
6) Approve the initiation of a perpetual agreement (Gateway Agreement for Government Entities) with U.S. Bank National Association and authorize the Chair to sign the agreement; and
7) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to establish change orders in FENIX to add funds to the subscription service agreement with QTPod, LLC as necessary to process associated payments for FY 2020-21.
FUNDING: Placerville Airport Enterprise Fund.
The Placerville Airport duel-pump fueling island was designed to operate both fuel pumps from one credit card processing terminal unit, making it unique and more efficient than fuel islands at other airports. However, this design limits the County’s options for replacing the single credit card processing termi...
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