Department of Transportation recommending the Board receive and file information on the closeout of the US 50 HOV Lanes, Phase 1 - El Dorado Hills to Bass Lake Grade Project, CIP No. 53110. (Refer 6/5/12, Item 8)
FUNDING: This Project was funded with State Proposition 1B Corridor Mobility Improvement Account Funds, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program Funds, Regional Surface Transportation Program Funds, Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program Funds and Casino Funds.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
There is no fiscal impact or net County cost associated with this agenda item.
On October 30, 2008, the Department of Transportation (Department) opened bids for the US 50 HOV Lanes, Phase 1 - El Dorado Hills to Bass Lake Grade Project (Project). The construction estimate for this Project was $32.5 million, and the low bid submitted by Nehemiah Construction, Inc. (NCI) was $26.1 million. The Board awarded the Project to NCI on November 18, 2008. As a part of the Project award to NCI, the Board also authorized a construction phase budget of $42,608,000. On June 8, 2010, the Board authorized execution of Contract Change Order (CCO) No. 58, which extended the eastbound HOV lane by a mile past Bass Lake Road, which increased the construction budget to $48,625,000. Subsequent to these actions, the Department submitted and the Board approved a reduced construction phase budget of $40,426,000 as part of the 2012 Capital Improvement Program.
The new HOV lanes opened to traffic in October 2011 and NCI completed construction on May 8, 2012.
Budget Analysis
The Project was completed under budget when compared to the construction phase budget established by the Board at the time of Project award and the Board authorized CCO No. 58 ($48,625,000 budget and $40,353,659 actuals). The overall Project (all phases) was also completed under budget when compared to the budget established by the Board in the 2012 Capital Improvement Prog...
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