El Dorado County Deputy Sheriff's Association (DSA) has requested an appeal hearing on the bargaining unit designation for the classification of Sheriff's Security Officers. The hearing was requested by the DSA pursuant to Board of Supervisor's Resolution No. 10-83 as amended by Resolution No. 112-86.
Pursuant to Resolution # 10-83, Sections 8, 9 and 10; and Resolution # 112-86 the Human Resources Department referred Resolutions # 146-2011 and # 145-2011 to the Board of Supervisors for approval. On August 16, 2011 the Board of Supervisors passed Resolution # 146-2011 creating the classification of Sheriff's Security Officer and allocating eleven such positions to the Sheriff's Office. At the same time the Board of Supervisors passed Resolution # 145-2011 assigning the new classification to the general bargaining unit (El Dorado County Employees Association, Local #1). Copies of the Resolutions are attached for the Board's reference.
On August 27, 2012 the DSA legal counsel sent a letter (copy attached) to the Board of Supervisors requesting to appeal the unit designation of the Sheriff's Security Officers. The DSA claimed that the Sheriff's Security Officers should have been assigned to the DSA bargaining unit and not to Local #1.
During the last six months there has been ongoing discussion with the DSA relative to this issue. The issue now comes to the Board of Supervisors for the unit designation appeal hearing.