Chief Administrative Office, Housing Community and Economic Development Program, recommending the Board of Supervisors:
1) Accept the 2012 Continuum of Care Program Grant in the amount of $13,339;
2) Approve Grant Agreement No. CA0318L9T251204 with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and authorize the Director of Health and Human Services Agency, or successor, to sign and submit the Grant Agreement; and
3) Authorize the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, or successor, to execute all other documents required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to transfer the grant from the County to The Center for Violence Free-Relationships, contingent upon approval by County Counsel.
FUNDING: Federal funds of $13,339 with a commitment of cash and in-kind match of up to $8,898 from The Center for Violence-Free Relationships.
Total Estimated Cost…………… $22,237
New Funding……………………. $13,339 HUD
Other…………………………… $8,898 CoC Match
Total Funding Available………… $22,237
Change To Net County Cost…… $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
Grant funds in the amount of $13,339 will be transferred to the Center for Violence-Free Relationships, El Dorado County Continuum of Care Lead Agency Coalition member. The Center has committed up to $8,898 to meet the required grant match.
The El Dorado County Continuum of Care (CoC) was formed as a collaborative effort to address the needs of the homeless population in El Dorado County and the funding constraints of community-based, non-profit and faith-based organizations that serve homeless populations. This collaboration is used to obtain and share information, provide community education and to work collectively on problems and solutions relative to homelessness. In 2007, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) authorized the El Dorado County Public Housing Authority to be the lead ...
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