Health and Human Services Agency, Public Health Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment I which will allow the City of Placerville to request a refund via check if there is an overpayment of the fiscal year's actual expenses, with respect to revenue generating Agreement 098-O1311 with the City of Placerville, for the County to provide animal control services within the boundaries of the City of Placerville with no change to the beginning term date of July 1, 2012 and continuing into perpetuity until terminated by either party; and
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute further documents relating to Agreement 098-O1311, including amendments which do not affect the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: City of Placerville.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
The City of Placerville (City) pays its share of cost for animal-related control services in the boundaries of the City of Placerville to County resulting in the offset of Net County Cost for services provided in that geographical area for the Health and Human Services Agency’s Fiscal Year 2014-15 and future budgets.
The County has provided animal related services to the City of Placerville since 1972. This mutually beneficial partnership fulfills the requirements of California Health and Safety Code, Division 105, Part 6, Chapter 1, Rabies Control, Section 121690 (e), “The governing body of each city, city and county, or county shall maintain or provide for the maintenance of a pound system and a rabies control program for the purpose of carrying out and enforcing this section. (Rabies Control).” In addition, California Food and Agriculture Code, Division 14, Chapter 5, Article 1, addresses the impoundment of strays. The City does not have suitable staff to fulfill the State requirements and has found it more e...
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