Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Sign the Grant and Easement Deeds granting the parcels and easements acquired by the County for Northside School Class 1 Bike Path Project CIP 72304 and 72306 to the California Department of Transportation;
2) Authorize the Community Development Agency Director, or designee, to execute escrow instructions and any other related escrow documents and or any other documents pertaining to the transaction, including payment of title and escrow fees if necessary; and
3) Authorize the Community Development Agency Director, or designee, to extend the date of closure of escrow upon mutual agreement of both parties if necessary.
FUNDING: Funding for the projects was provided by Federal Safe Routes to School Grant Funds (25%), Public Land Highway Discretionary Fund (8%), Federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Funds (16%), State Safe Routes to School Grant Funds (23%), Regional Surface Transportation Program Rural Exchange Funds (18%), Road Fund (1%), Transportation Enhancement Activities Funds (6%) and Transportation Development Act Funds from the El Dorado County Transportation Commission (4%).
The County of El Dorado (County) is responsible for transferring the parcels and easements acquired for the above listed project as listed in the Cooperative Agreement. Granting these parcels to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) releases the County of both the liability and maintenance of these parcels.
The Community Development Agency, Transportation Division (Transportation) completed construction of the Northside School Class 1 Bike Path Project (Project) CIP Numbers 72304 & 72306 on January 24, 2015. The Project provided an 8-foot wide Class I bike path on the west side of State Route (SR) 49 from Northside School to SR193 and an 8-foot wide Class I Bike Path along the north side of SR19...
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