Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 006-2016, which amends the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution for the HHSA to add 1.0 fulltime equivalent Staff Services Analyst I/II and 1.0 FTE Social Worker I/II/III/IV; and
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer Request to increase revenue and appropriations by $127,852 in the Fiscal Year 2015/16 budget to recognize an additional allocation for a federal and state-mandated quality improvement review program. (4/5 vote required)
FUNDING: Federal, State and County match met with Realignment Funds.
Pursuant to County Fiscal Letter (CFL) 15/16-32 and All County Letter (ACL) 15-77, County of El Dorado’s Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), Child Welfare Services (CWS) program, is now required to maintain a robust, standardized quality case review program. HHSA does not currently have a quality control case review process in place. CFL 15/16-32 and ACL 15-77 provides for implementation of specific quality review protocols, including mandated State training and certification. HHSA received additional funding in the approximate amount of $140,000 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 from the California Department of Social Services for the purpose of implementing this new mandated review program. HHSA recommends the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign the Resolution to add 1.0 fulltime equivalent (FTE) Staff Services Analyst I/II and a 1.0 FTE Social Worker I/II/III/IV in order to meet the requirements of CFL 15/16-32 and ACL 15-77 and approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer Request to increase revenue and appropriations by $127,852 in FY 2015-16. This allocation is in addition to a previously received allocation, budgeted in FY 15/16, which included $12,148, intended to be used for these new positions.
ACL 15-77 requires county CWS to establish and maintain a quality control case review program, whereby designated CWS staff shall perform ongoing detailed quality improvement reviews and case record reviews. Designated quality improvement staff must be trained and certified by the State of California to conduct case record reviews and designated staff must not have any case or program conflicts, including prohibition of reviewing any cases in which s/he may have had any oversight responsibility, including supervision or case decision making. To comply with the Federal and State mandates, HHSA must designate one employee as a dedicated quality case review staff person and at least one employee as a case reviewer. Furthermore, per ACL 15-77, the quality case review staff person and the case reviewer(s) cannot be the same person. In the event of a case conflict, HHSA anticipates utilizing extra help staff for such case reviews.
The number of cases to be reviewed is based upon the combined caseload size of the county and a State-assigned tier level, pursuant to ACL 15-77. Specific to El Dorado County, ACL 15-77 notes that a minimum of 70 cases must be fully reviewed and completed each fiscal year, with the understanding that other cases may be started and subsequently pulled from the sample due to conflicts or other reasons. Each review will include an extensive online review process and an in-depth interview of all individuals involved in the case plan. It is anticipated that each review will take at least 56 hours per case, plus additional administrative hours to establish policies and procedures relative to quality review of cases and to analyze findings to identify error trends. Additionally, it is expected that there will be five to eight (5-8) hours of data entry into the mandated computer data collection system, per case. ACL 15-77 designates El Dorado County as a Tier III county, which allocates funding to fill two (2) case review positions.
The addition of the 1.0 FTE Staff Services Analyst I/II and 1.0 FTE Social Worker I/II/III/IV will allow HHSA to meet the quality control case review mandates, per CFL 15/16-32 and ACL 15-77. It is anticipated that the cost of these positions will be approximately $140,000 for FY 2015-16, and it is anticipated the funding will be ongoing. CFL 15/16-32 allocates $127,852 from the State. This allocation is in addition to a previously received allocation, budgeted in FY 15/16, which included $12,148, intended to be used for these new positions. Both allocations total $140,000 and will allow HHSA to meet the anticipated cost of these positions. If in the future, the State eliminates the funding the agency will reassess the need for the positions.
Should the Board of Supervisors decline to adopt the Resolution, HHSA will not be able to meet the Federal and State mandates regarding utilization of the allocation for quality control case reviews.
County Counsel and Human Resources
It is recommended that the Board approve this item.
There is no Net County Cost associated with this Agenda item. Sufficient appropriations have been included in HHSA's current budget and will be included in future fiscal years.
1. Clerk of the Board to provide one (1) certified Resolution to HHSA at 3057 Briw Road, and one (1) certified Resolution to Human Resources at 330 Fair Lane.
2. Clerk of the Board to obtain the signature of the Chair on the Budget Transfer Request and forward Budget Transfer request to the Auditor’s Office for processing.
Don Ashton, M.P.A., Director