File #: 08-0628    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 4/21/2008 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 4/29/2008 Final action: 4/29/2008
Title: Transportation Department requesting the Board take the following actions regarding the Diamond Springs Parkway Project 72334: 1) Direct said Department to study the “T” alignment (Alternative 4) as the preferred alignment alternative per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Exhibit 2; 2) Direct said Department to negotiate a Reimbursement Agreement with Granite Grado Ventures for the advancement costs associated with the planning, design and construction of Diamond Springs Parkway; and 3) Direct said Department to negotiate a consultant service contract with Cooper-Thorne and Associates (CTA) for civil engineering and Kimley-Horn and Associates for traffic engineering services and Michael Brandman Associates (MBA) for environmental services on subject project.
Attachments: 1. DSP Exhibit 2.pdf, 2. DSP Exhibit 1.pdf
Related files: 25-0053, 24-0854, 21-0178, 20-0828, 22-0241, 23-1379, 23-2048, 24-1669
Transportation Department requesting the Board take the following actions regarding the Diamond Springs Parkway Project 72334:
1) Direct said Department to study the “T” alignment (Alternative 4) as the preferred alignment alternative per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Exhibit 2;
2) Direct said Department to negotiate a Reimbursement Agreement with Granite Grado Ventures for the advancement costs associated with the planning, design and construction of Diamond Springs Parkway; and
3) Direct said Department to negotiate a consultant service contract with Cooper-Thorne and Associates (CTA) for civil engineering and Kimley-Horn and Associates for traffic engineering services and Michael Brandman Associates (MBA) for environmental services on subject project.
Total Estimated Cost $ 0

Budgeted $
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $
Change To Net County Cost $ 0

Fiscal Impact:

This action provides direction to the Department only. There are no financial impacts directly created by this action. The Diamond Springs Parkway Project and reimbursement agreement will be submitted for Board approval in the future.

Change to Net County Cost:

The net County cost is $0.

Reasons for Recommendations:

Diamond Springs Parkway, previously known as the Missouri Flat / Pleasant Valley Connector, is included as a new road in the 2004 General Plan. This new roadway has been contemplated for over 10 years to provide additional circulation, reduce the congestion and improve traffic safety on SR-49/Main Street through historic Diamond Springs. The existing SR-49/Main Street is two lanes and cannot provide the capacity for the heavy commute traffic between southeast El Dorado County and US-50 to an acceptable level of service. The historic significance of the area precludes widening of the existing street.

The Board previously...

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