File #: 20-0828    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 6/17/2020 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 7/14/2020 Final action: 7/14/2020
Title: Department of Transportation recommending the Board receive and file a presentation regarding the Diamond Springs Parkway Project, CIP 72375/36104025 and 72334/36105011, and provide additional direction to staff as determined by the Board. FUNDING: Tribe Funds (40%), Utility Agencies (<1%), Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees (15%), Master Circulation and Funding Plan (29%), State Highway Operation and Protection Program (2%), Regional Surface Transportation Program Exchange Funds - EDCTC (<1%), Road Fund (<1%), and to be determined anticipated grant funds (12%). (Local and State Funds).
Attachments: 1. A - DSP Presentation, 2. B - DSP Fact Sheet, 3. C - DSP Phasing Diagram, 4. County Counsel Memo re Funding of DSP 1B (July 2020) (1), 5. Public Comment BOS Rcvd 7-14-20, 6. Public Comment BOS Rcvd 7-13-20
Related files: 08-0628, 11-0448, 12-1540, 13-0395, 13-0981, 16-0370, 18-0062, 20-1460, 21-0055, 20-1280, 21-0178, 20-1348, 20-1378, 20-1373, 21-0849, 21-0883, 21-1541, 22-0241, 21-1236, 22-0571, 22-1477, 23-0100
Department of Transportation recommending the Board receive and file a presentation regarding the Diamond Springs Parkway Project, CIP 72375/36104025 and 72334/36105011, and provide additional direction to staff as determined by the Board.

FUNDING: Tribe Funds (40%), Utility Agencies (<1%), Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees (15%), Master Circulation and Funding Plan (29%), State Highway Operation and Protection Program (2%), Regional Surface Transportation Program Exchange Funds - EDCTC (<1%), Road Fund (<1%), and to be determined anticipated grant funds (12%). (Local and State Funds).
The Diamond Springs Parkway Project (Project) was approved as part of the Master Circulation and Financing Plan (MC&FP) in December of 1998 and anticipated completion by 2014. The Project has been included in the General Plan Transportation and Circulation Element since 2004. These improvements will relieve traffic congestion and provide an acceptable level of service through the Diamond Springs Historic District consistent with the County’s General Plan. The Project includes bicycle and pedestrian route connectivity from downtown Diamond Springs to Missouri Flat Road.

The Missouri Flat Area has historically experienced high levels of traffic congestion due to its central location and existing commercial development. MC&FP Phase I proposed to address existing traffic circulation deficiencies and allow for approximately 732,278 square feet of additional commercial development. The ultimate goal of the MC&FP was to encourage economic development and it has effectively enabled the development of approximately 500,000 square feet of retail business, which generates nearly $1,000,000 annually toward the improvements to the existing traffic deficiencies.

The Project is being completed in two Phases, 1A and 1B. Phase 1A realigns and widens State Route 49 from Pleasant Valley Road to Bradley Drive to four lanes, with shoulders, curb, gutter, a...

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