Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board of Supervisors consider the following:
1) Receive and file the Final Draft Response to the 2015/16 Grand Jury Final Report; and, following the incorporation of any changes directed by the Board at this meeting; and
2) Authorize and direct staff to submit the Board of Supervisors' Final Response to the 2015/16 Grand Jury Final Report to the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court.
Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board approve the Final Response to the 2015-2016 Grand Jury Final Report (Attachment 2A), and authorize its transmittal to the Superior Court, and to publish the response on the County's web-site.
The 2015-2016 Grand Jury published several individual Final Reports on various subjects during month of June, and published it's consolidated Final Report on June 30, 2016. Under the California Penal Code, sections 933, the Board of Supervisors must provide a response to the Presiding Judge within 90 days of date that a Final Report is made available to the public. The attached draft response has been prepared in the form prescribed by Penal Code section 933.05 and addresses the findings and recommendations of the Grand Jury which are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Because the first individual Final Report was made public on June 9, 2016, staff is recommending that the County finalize the full Response to the 2015-2016 Grand Jury Report by the deadline for responding to the first Final Report, which is September 7, 2016.
Reports included in the Final Report that warrant a response from the Board of Supervisors include:
· 21st Century County Charter
· FENIX, Icarus Naught
· West Slope Animal Shelter: Best in Show
· Americans with Disabilities Act County Compliance
· Sheriff’s Headquarters: How Old is Too Old
· Proposed Public Safety Headquarters
· Juvenile Detention Facilities Inspection
· El Dorado ...
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