Community Development Services, Planning and Building Department, recommending the Board receive and file a presentation on implementation of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection State Responsibility Area Prevention Fund and Tree Mortality Grant, to help El Dorado County senior citizens with income limitations to remove dead and dying trees that endanger their residences. (Est. Time: 10 Min.).
FUNDING: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection State Responsibility Area Prevention Fund and Tree Mortality Grant (81%) and General Fund (19%)
Community Development Services, Planning and Building Department, Long Range Planning (LRP), Housing Community and Economic Development Program (HCED), recommending the Board receive and file a presentation on implementation of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE) State Responsibility Area Prevention Fund and Tree Mortality Grant (Grant), to help El Dorado County senior citizens with income limitations to remove dead and dying trees that endanger their residences. (Est. Time: 10 Min.)
On October 30, 2015, Governor Brown proclaimed a State of Emergency due to unprecedented tree mortality caused by the conditions of extreme drought and related bark beetle infestations. The Governor's Emergency Proclamation (Proclamation) contains 18 distinct actions that direct state agencies, utilities, and local governments to remove dead or dying trees in high fire hazard areas (zones) across the entire State.
On March 28, 2016 (Item 1), the Board proclaimed a local State of Emergency due to pervasive tree mortality, and on May 17, 2016 (Item 46), approved the County’s Tree Mortality Hazard Tree Removal Plan (Tree Removal Plan).
On October 11, 2016 (Item 14), the Board accepted grant/project funding from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services for California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA) fund...
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