Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division recommending the Board authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, to execute an agreement with Siller Helicopter in the amount not to exceed $350,000 to fly rock on the Rubicon Trail, upon County Counsel and Risk approval.
Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division recommends approval.
Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division staff met with representatives from the Community Development Agency (CDA), Transportation Division and Siller Helicopter on Tuesday October 20, 2015. It was determined that the project should be completed in November instead of the spring. Depending on the weather conditions we may not be able to access the Gerle Addit until the snow melts. The addit is where the rock is stored. Availability of the helicopter is also an issue as the fire season approaches in June and the helicopter may not be available to complete the project.
To complete a project of this size, a large team of employees from the Transportation Division of CDA is required. The division has expressed that it is easier for them to accommodate this project at this time, then it is in the spring.
Additional rock needs to be added to several locations. It has been determined that this is the most cost effective and efficient method to transport the materials to the locations needed.
These delays could prevent this work from being completed before the grant expires on August 1, 2016.
The only alternative would be to move the rock by trailer using volunteer and the Marooka. This has proven to be more expensive and we cannot get the amount of materials to the locations needed.
Community Development Agency, Transportation Division.
[This section is completed by the CAO's Office. This section is required]
Division received a grant from State Parks Off Highway...
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