Sheriff's Office advising the Board of one perpetual Agreement for services with Global Tower, L.L.C. and recommending continuation of same to provide support for the Sheriff's radio communications in the South Lake Tahoe basin.
FUNDING: General Fund.
Total Estimated Cost |
$5,000.00 |
Funding |
Budgeted |
$5,000.00 |
New Funding |
$ |
Savings |
$ |
Other |
$ |
Total Funding Available |
$5,000.00 |
Change To Net County Cost |
$0 |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: None. The Sheriff's FY2008/2009 operational budget has adequate funding appropriated for this contract.
Background: The Sheriff's Office has had Tower Lease Agreement #356-O0010 for the Genoa Peak Site-NV06A, for the non-exclusive right to install, maintain, operate and remove radio communication equipment and appurtenances on the Tower located at Genoa Peak Site in Carson City Nevada since November 1, 1999. This agreement was originally with Spectrum Resources Towers, L.P. and changed to Global Tower LLC on 5/9/2006. This agreement supports the Sheriff's radio communications in the South Lake Tahoe basin. Estimated annual cost is $5,000.
Reason for Recommendation: In accordance with Government Code Section 54202 and the County's Purchasing Ordinance, the Sheriff's Office is advising the Board of one perpetual contract administered by the Sheriff's Office.
Action to be taken following Board approval: The Sheriff's staff will work with Procurements & Contracts to prepare the necessary encumbrance documents.
Contact: Mary Pierce