Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 - Conference with Real Property Negotiator: This body will hold a closed session to give instructions to its negotiator for the Diamond Springs Parkway - Phase 1B Project regarding the real properties located in Diamond Springs with APNs 327-270-43 and 327-270-46, owned by James E. Teter and Elizabeth Ann Teter, Trustees under The Teter 1991 Revocable Living Trust dated July 22, 1991, and 327-270-50, owned by James E. Teter and Elizabeth Ann Teter, as Trustees under "The Teter Family Trust", Declaration of Trust dated April 4, 1978.
Instructions to El Dorado County’s negotiator will concern price and terms of payment. Kyle Lassner, Right-of-Way Supervisor, will be the negotiator on behalf of El Dorado County. The parties with whom El Dorado County’s negotiator may negotiate are those parties identified above and their agents and successors. (Est. Time: 5 Min.)