File #: 19-0861    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 5/21/2019 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 6/25/2019 Final action: 6/25/2019
Title: Library Department recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 3 to Funding Agreement 071-F1711 with First 5 El Dorado to replace Section 2: Scope of Work in its entirety, to replace Section 3: Fiscal Provisions in its entirety and to replace Attachments I, II, III, IV and VI; and to increase the amount of the contract by $7,500 for a total amount not to exceed $1,082,500 for the existing term ending 6/30/2021; and 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 071-F1711, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: First 5 El Dorado Grant.
Attachments: 1. A - Blue Route F5 Amd3, 2. B - F5 Amd3 071-F1711, 3. Executed Agreement 071-F1711
Related files: 16-0554, 18-1643, 21-0897, 22-1070, 23-1040, 24-0986, 25-0217
Library Department recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 3 to Funding Agreement 071-F1711 with First 5 El Dorado to replace Section 2: Scope of Work in its entirety, to replace Section 3: Fiscal Provisions in its entirety and to replace Attachments I, II, III, IV and VI; and to increase the amount of the contract by $7,500 for a total amount not to exceed $1,082,500 for the existing term ending 6/30/2021; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 071-F1711, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.

FUNDING: First 5 El Dorado Grant.
First 5 El Dorado provides grant funding to the Library Department for early literacy programs and services for families of children 0-5 years old through Community Hub partnerships at six libraries in the County.
Amendment 3 replaces:
Section 2 Scope of Work; Section 3 Fiscal Provisions; Attachment I Scope of Work, Attachment II Budget Forms; Attachment III Parent Registration Form, IV Progress Reports: Quarterly, and Attachment VI Family Survey and increases the amount of the contract by $7,500 for a maximum amount of $1,082,500. The term of the agreement is not changed and will end 6/30/2021.

Agreement 071-F1711 was approved on June 28, 2016.
Amendment 1 to Agreement 071-F1711 was approved on June 20, 2017 to change the term and the amount of the contract.
Amendment 2 to Agreement 071-F1711 was approved on November 13, 2018 to replace the Scope of Work and three attachments.


6-28-2016; Agenda Item 24; Legistar File 16-0554
6-20-2017; Agenda Item 17; Legistar File 16-0554, Version 2
11-13-2018; Agenda Item 18; Legistar File 18-1643

First 5 El Dorado


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