Supervisor Parlin recommending the Board:
1) Find that a public benefit is derived from supporting the Cool Community Association's (CCA) efforts to replace the 65+ year old roof on the Historic Cool Hall; and
2) Approve and authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a funding Agreement, consistent with the County’s standard form and upon the approval of County Counsel, with the Cool Community Association authorizing payment of the $5,000 community funding contribution in support of these efforts.
FUNDING: Community Funding.
Cool Community Association, Inc. is an all-volunteer, California nonprofit, public charity EIN 23-7529718. It’s mission is to preserve and enhance the Historic Cool Hall for use by the Georgetown Divide community and El Dorado County residents.
CCA is an all-volunteer organization with 100 members. They maintain the Historic Cool Hall, a 70 year old community hall located in Cool California, and subsidize youth groups like the cub scouts with free rentals and charge half price to sister 501c3 organizations for their meetings and fund raisers. Examples include Heartsong Ranch, Friends of the River, Golden Sierra HS, and Ready for 21.
Over 500 dollars in contributions were given by CCA to local groups like Ready for 21, Angels, Run Hunger off the Divide. They support many forums as sponsor at no cost to the organizations for GPUD, Supervisor D4 town halls, County CAO town halls, Candidate Forums, care-giver classes, Kids Wood Workshops and town meetings to enhance and inform local resident’s lives. Last December was their 4th annual Christmas Giving Dinner. This is a free community event CCA puts on to give a free Christmas dinner to those without family for the holidays or who may be in need of some company and nice hot dinner. 108 meals were served last year.
The 65 year + roof is leaking and causing internal damage to the Hall and hall structure. The roof cannot be dependably fixed, therefore needs replacing. They are asking the County of El Dorado to contribute $5,000 dollars to go to the Raise the Roof Fund as part of their financing plan which will pay for gutters, downspouts and screens. CCA as an organization has already raised $35,000 to the $55,000 final goal.
A funding agreement is required in order for the County to process the payment to the Cool Community Association. Approval by the Board provides the finding that a public benefit is derived from supporting this endeavor, which seeks to replace the 65+ year old roof on the Historic Cool Hall.
The Board could choose not to approve the funding request, and no funding would be provided in support of these efforts.
Cool Community Association.
The Board of Supervisors allocated $50,000 in the Fiscal Year 2019-20 budget in General Fund - Other Operations (Department 15) to be available for community funding requests supported by the Board. Approval of this item would allocate $5,000 from this amount. There is no additional impact to the General Fund due to the approval of this agreement.
Lori Parlin