Human Resources Department, Risk Management Division recommending the Board authorize the Auditor-Controller to make premium insurance and program payments to CSAC-EIA previously approved payable to PRISM for the 20/21 Risk Management insurance coverage and programs including Excess General Liability; Excess Workers Compensation; Primary Workers Compensation; Property, Medical Malpractice;Employee Assistance Program; Pollution; Cyber Liability; Master Crime; Catastrophic Inmate Medical; Underground Storage Tank; Watercraft; Optional Excess Liability and Airport Liability.
FUNDING: Risk Management Internal Service Fund.
On June 9, 2020, the Board authorized an amendment to the MOU with CSAC-EIA to accept the organization’s name change to PRISM. The consideration of a name change came at the request of CSAC (California State Association of Counties) due to the on-going confusion over the fact that CSAC EIA and CSAC are two completely separate entities.
On July 14, 2020 the Board authorized the renewal of the annual insurance premiums and programs payable to PRISM per the newly amended CSAC-EIA MOU. However, when the invoices were received to make these premium payments, they were issued by CSAC-EIA and not the newly renamed PRISM. Upon inquiry to obtain new PRISM vendor information we were notified that due to delays with the federal government, the new PRISM organization had not been finalized and were requested to issue payment to the CSAC-EIA. The Board had previously authorized payment to PRISM specifically, therefore staff are seeking a new authorization to issue payment to CSAC-EIA to ensure there is no lapse in coverage while the PRISM organization issues are resolved.
The Board may not grant this authorization and the County may run the risk of not renewing critical need insurance coverage or incur late payment penalties.
20-0676 - Authorization of name change MOU from CSAC-E...
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