Planning and Building Department, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board:
1) Receive and file an update regarding the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update of the County General Plan; and
2) Provide Staff with input and direction.
The County is in the process of updating the Housing Element, which is one of the seven mandatory elements of El Dorado County's General Plan. This update is for the eight-year planning period of 2021 to 2029. The County has contracted with PlaceWorks, Inc. to assist with this effort that is anticipated to be completed by May 2021.
On August 18, 2020, staff and their consultants completed a public workshop for the West Slope of the County and another public workshop for the Tahoe area. Public comment and responses are provided as Attachment B.
On October 22, 2020, staff and their consultants completed a public workshop for the Planning Commission. Comments from that workshop are included as Attachment A.
This workshop for the Housing Element Update will include an overview of the state-mandated requirements including the Housing Element schedule overview, a discussion of the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) process, and an existing needs assessment, as well as access to special needs housing. The discussion will also include key changes to state housing law and associated changes to the Housing Element Update process.
On September 18, 2018, the Board approved Resolution of Intention 193-2018 to amend the County General Plan by updating the Housing Element before (May) 2021 as required by State law, which includes a review of the County’s ability to accommodate its fair share of the region’s housing needs for the 8-year planning period 2021 to 2029, based on the updated Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) determined by the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG). (Agenda Item No. 20, Legistar File 18-1146)
On March 1...
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