Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, recommending the Board:
1) Direct and authorize staff to determine that the contingencies are satisfied and authorize the close of escrow, on or before December 20, 2022, with Barton Health Care, a California Non-Profit Corporation, concerning the acquisition of property identified as Assessor's Parcel 032-191-002 and 032-191-020 (commonly known as 1111 and 1119 Emerald Bay Road, South Lake Tahoe); and
2) Authorize the Chair to sign the Certificate of Acceptance for the property.
FUNDING: 23% El Dorado Center Designation ($2.3M), 44% Capital Projects Designation ($4.4M), 8% Tobacco Settlement ($800K), 17% ARPA ($1.7M) and 8% Public Health Fund Realignment Balance ($800K).
The El Dorado Center in South Lake Tahoe has been deemed an end-of-life building. The Board directed the Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, to search for properties in South Lake Tahoe that could replace the El Dorado Center. Initial estimates to tear down and rebuild the El Dorado Center were approximately $10 million. The rebuild of the El Dorado Center would have resulted in a building of approximately 8,500 square feet, would only have been able to house the programs in the existing El Dorado Center, and parking would have continued to be problematic.
On September 9, 2022, the Board authorized the Chair to sign the Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions 6940 with the owners Barton Health Care of 1111 and 1119 Emerald Bay Road, South Lake Tahoe for $7,500,000 and directed staff to continue its due diligence.
The County has completed the due diligence of all four buildings. The County will be moving forward with some minor repairs which are estimated to cost less than $200,000 for all buildings, excluding any potential tenant improvements. The majority of the repair costs are related to enhancing mechanical systems to mitigate radon and improve cooling, minor roof rep...
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