Human Resources Department recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign the negotiated Letter of Agreement to the Memorandum of Understanding between the County of El Dorado and the El Dorado County Probation Officers Association representing employees in the Probation Bargaining Unit to facilitate the movement of incumbent employees in Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) (B) classifications to DPO (A) classifications.
County of El Dorado (County) and the El Dorado County Probation Officers Association (“Association”) representing employees in the Probation Bargaining Unit, have an executed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the period of January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2025.
Prior to the adoption of the current MOU, the Probation Department and Association worked closely together to conceptualize a consolidation of the Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) field and Institution classifications in order to improve operational flexibility. However, failing to reach mutual agreement on the impacts of such a consolidation, the County and Association (“Parties”) instead memorialized in the prior MOU an agreement to continue to negotiate the issue of consolidating the DPO (field) and DPO-Institution classifications into a single, combined job classification series.
Those consolidation negotiations concluded concurrent with the agreement reached as part of the current MOU. A majority of the negotiated terms were incorporated into the current MOU and went into effect when the Board adopted the recommended consolidation. The MOU provided for the adoption of a new, consolidated field and institution class series DPO I/II/III (A) and Supervisor (A) (collectively “DPO-A”); retitling and amendment of then titled DPO (“field”) classifications to DPO I (B), II (B), SR (B), and Supervisor (B) classifications (collectively “DPO-B”); and memorialized the planned (future) abolishment of the DPO-B, so that only a ...
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