Sheriff's Department recommending the Board approve a Budget Transfer adding $457,414 to said Department's operating budget for the Fiscal Year 2010 Homeland Security Grant Program, and additions to the Fixed Asset List . (4/5's vote required). (Refer 8/3/10, Item 13 )
FUNDING: Fiscal Year 2010 Homeland Security Grant.
Anticipated Grant Allocation |
$ 457,414 |
Funding |
Budgeted |
$ |
New Funding |
$ 457,414 |
Savings |
$ |
Other |
$ |
Total Funding Available |
$ 457,414 |
Change To Net County Cost |
$ -0- |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: None. This grant is providing 100% funding and there is no County match requirement.
Background: On August 3, 2010, your Board approved agenda item #10-0816 allowing the Sheriff to submit the 2010 Homeland Security Grant Application. The Sheriff's OES division has since been awarded this grant.
The Fiscal Year 2010 Homeland Security Grant program has allocated $258,285 for the State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSP) and $199,129 for the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP), for a total of $457,414 to El Dorado County. The County is a subgrantee and provides funding for equipment, training, planning and exercises, costs to the Cities of South Lake Tahoe and Placerville, Sheriff's Department, Public Health, Environmental Management, Fire Districts, and other eligible local agencies.
As a new requirement of this grant, Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) documents have to be filed with FEMA for projects that are identified by the grant as affecting the environment. For this reason, El Dorado County's Projects A, B, E, G, and J are still awaiting approval. We expect to receive this EHP clearance shortly, and will not expend funds for those projects until they are cleared through FEMA.
Reason for Recommendation: El Dorado County applies for this grant annually. The Sheriff's Office recently received the grant award letter and is bringing this item back to your Board with a Budget Transfer establishing a budget and adding items to the County Fixed Asset List that will be purchased with these grant funds.
As required by the Homeland Security Grant, the County Board of Supervisors created an Approval Authority, representing the Cities of Placerville and South Lake Tahoe, Sheriff, Fire Districts, and Public Health on April 8, 2003, to approve the distribution of the grant funds at the local level. The Approval Authority met and approved a plan for allocating the grant funds to equipment, and training.
With regard to grant purchased equipment, the County, as the Operational Area lead agency, will purchase and loan equipment to other participating agencies, or subgrant funds to the agencies to purchase equipment, and eventually transfer ownership of the equipment to participating agencies after grant audits are completed. In the event the County, as the Operational Agency, has to reimburse an agency for purchases made with grant funds, a reimbursement agreement will be prepared to authorize the Auditor's office to reimburse the agency.
Action to be taken following Board approval: After Board approval, the Auditor's Office will enter the Budget Transfer into the County's system. Sheriff's Department will submit reimbursement claims to Cal EMA as the funds are expended.
Contact: Lt. Bryan Golmitz
Concurrences: Approval Authority