File #: 12-1247    Version:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 9/26/2012 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 12/10/2013 Final action: 12/10/2013
Title: Health and Human Services Agency, Community Services Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Authorize the Chair to sign Modification 3 to Contract No. K386295-01 with Golden Sierra Job Training Agency, for provision of Workforce Investment Act Program job training activities, decreasing the total contract amount by $85,000, from $1,044,790 to $959,790; and 2) Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, to execute any future amendments thereto, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, that do not affect the total dollar amount or the term and further authorize the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency, or designee, to continue to administer Contract No. K386295-01, as amended, and execute any subsequent documents relating to said Agreement including required fiscal and programmatic reports. FUNDING: Federal Funding.
Attachments: 1. 3A - CRS GSJTA K386295-01, Mod 3 12/10/13, 2. 3B - GSJTA Contract K386295-01, Mod 3 12/10/13, 3. Executed Modification 3 (BOS 12-10-13), 4. 2A- CRS GSJTA K386295-01, Mod 2 6-11-13, 5. 2B - GSJTA Contract K386295-01, Mod 2 6-11-13, 6. 2C - GSJTA Contract K386295-01, Mod 1 6-11-13, 7. Executed Modification 2, 8. A - CRS GSJTA Contract K386295-01 10-16-12, 9. B - GSJTA Contract K386295-01 10-16-12
Health and Human Services Agency, Community Services Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Authorize the Chair to sign Modification 3 to Contract No. K386295-01 with Golden Sierra Job Training Agency, for provision of Workforce Investment Act Program job training activities, decreasing the total contract amount by $85,000, from $1,044,790 to $959,790; and
2) Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, to execute any future amendments thereto, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, that do not affect the total dollar amount or the term and further authorize the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency, or designee, to continue to administer Contract No. K386295-01, as amended, and execute any subsequent documents relating to said Agreement including required fiscal and programmatic reports.
FUNDING:  Federal Funding.
Total Estimated Revenue…………
Original Contract………………
Modification 1…………………….
Modification 2……………………
Modification 3……………………
$ (85,000)
Total Funding Available…………
Change To Net County Cost……
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
No change.  Allocated revenues are budgeted for FY 2013-14 and are expected to cover all anticipated program costs.
As an Area Partner Operator of the Golden Sierra Job Training Agency Consortium, the County of El Dorado uses the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funds to provide job training services, leverage additional federal and state funding, and help strengthen the One Stop system thereby meeting the multiple needs of the County's unemployed individuals and businesses.
On October 16, 2012 the Board of Supervisors authorized the Chair to sign Contract K386295-01 with Golden Sierra Job Training Agency in the initial amount of $345,905 for the provision of Workforce Investment Act Program services during the term of July 1, 2012 through May 31, 2014 and also authorized the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency to execute subsequent amendments increasing the total contract amount up to $1,039,367. On November 2, 2012, as authorized by the Board of Supervisors, the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency executed Modification 1 to Contract K386295-01 increasing the total contract amount by $564,443, from $345,905 to $910,348 with no change to the term.  On June 11, 2013, the Board authorized the Chair to sign Modification 2 increasing the total contract amount by $134,442, to $1,044,790 and extending the funding term for Rapid Response and Youth services to December 31, 2013.
Reason for Recommendation
Golden Sierra Job Training Agency (GSJTA) is the Local Workforce Investment Area (LWIA) administrative entity designated by the State of California to administer Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services in Placer, El Dorado and Alpine counties.  GSJTA receives WIA funding from the California Employment Development Department and then allocates funding for each county within the LWIA.  GSJTA contracts with the County of El Dorado Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) to provide WIA services within the County.  Funding distribution within the LWIA is flexible and State defined performance goals are applicable to the consortium as a whole.  
GSJTA has requested training funds in the amount of $85,000 be reduced from Contract K386295-01 with the County to allow GSJTA to provide continued workforce training services to meet the LWIA performance goals.  This transfer results in a reduction to the County's Adult training services funding by $20,000 and Dislocated Worker training services funding by $65,000.  Following the transfer the County will have approximately $56,857 in training funds remaining to serve eligible individuals in the Adult and Dislocated Worker categories through May 31, 2015 and is expecting an increase of approximately $205,136 in training funds through the issuance of one or more contract amendments pending final allotment to states from the federal Department of Labor.  If the County fully expends its Adult and Dislocated training funds before May 31, 2015, GSJTA has agreed to work with HHSA to ensure continued provision of workforce training services to eligible individuals in El Dorado County.
Retroactive Term
Upon execution, the contract is retroactive to August 1, 2013.  It was received from GSJTA on September 11, 2013, and processing was expedited.  
Action(s) to be taken following Board approval
1. Board Clerk to provide Health and Human Services Agency at Briw Road, with two (2) copies of Modification 3 to Contract K386295-01 signed by the Chair.  
2. Health and Human Services to distribute as appropriate and return one fully executed Agreement to the Board Clerk
Don Ashton, M.P.A., Interim Director
County Counsel, Risk Management and Human Resources