Hearing to conduct an assessment ballot proceeding of the property owners within the Green Valley Oaks Road Zone of Benefit No. 98169 within County Service Area No. 9 to consider the levy of an increased benefit assessment and, if no majority protest is heard, approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 062-2014 establishing the annual benefit assessment to replace the existing special tax. (Cont. 6/10/14, Item 72)
FUNDING: No Federal Funding.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
There is no fiscal impact associated with conducting the Hearing or the Assessment Ballot Proceeding. There is no net cost to the County General Fund associated with this agenda item.
The Green Valley Oaks Road Zone of Benefit No. 98169 was formed August 6, 1991 by Resolution 264-91 for the purpose of providing road maintenance services. An advisory committee was established for the zone to prepare recommendations on all matters related to the zone including the annual budget.
The zone was formed to include areas from three homeowner/property owner associations. The advisory committee adopted by-laws on November 19, 1992 through which they designated five distinct areas for road maintenance responsibility, and used the area designations as the basis for recommending benefit assessment amounts. The roads described for maintenance with zone funds were Mulberry Lane, Oak Ridge Road, Valley Oak Court, Tosca Court, Blend O' Green Way and Spring Circle. Meesha Lane was added for maintenance August 1, 1995 by Resolution 210-95.
Reason for Recommendation
Current revenue for the Green Valley Oaks Road Zone of Benefit is $14,625.00. The advisory committee for the Green Valley Oaks Road Zone recommended an increase to the zone's overall funding based on the five areas described in the committee's by-laws. An Engineer's Report was prepared and approved by the County which recommends an annual benefit assessment amount of $27,245.61 as sufficient to cover the...
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