Community Development Agency, Development Services Division, requesting the Planning Commission clarify and amend their motion made on October 23, 2014, for Special Use Permit S13-0014/AT&T Silva Valley Parkway Cellular Site (Mono-Oak) to include the Staff Memo dated September 9, 2014 which was presented to the Planning Commission at their September 11, 2014 meeting with the intent that it be included in the Planning Commission's final action for the project; and staff recommending the Planning Commission amend their October 23, 2014 motion to state:
1) Adopt the Negative Declaration based on the Initial Study prepared by staff;
2) Approve Special Use Permit S13-0014 based on the Findings and subject to the Conditions of Approval;
3) Approve the revisions to the Conditions of Approval as presented in the Staff Memo dated September 9, 2014; and
4) Approve the revisions to Condition of Approval 15 as presented in the Staff Memo dated October 22, 2014.
(Supervisorial District 1)
A Staff Memo dated November 5, 2014 is attached.
Joe Prutch
Development Services Division-Planning
Community Development Agency