File #: 16-0006    Version:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 12/18/2015 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 9/27/2016 Final action: 9/27/2016
Title: Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board: 1) Accept and authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or designee to sign a $75,000 grant award from the Economic Development Administration Planning Program and Local Technical Assistance Program, for the purposes of conducting a Broadband feasibility study; and 2) Approve the attached budget transfer increasing revenue and appropriations by $75,000 to reflect the grant award amount (4/5 vote required). FUNDING: Grant Funds and General Fund (Transient Occupancy Tax).
Attachments: 1. 2A - BT Econ Dev Grant 9-27-16, 2. Executed Budget Transfer, 3. A - EDA Grant Blue Route 1-12-16, 4. A1 - Completed Counsel Route sheet Rcvd 01-12-16.pdf, 5. B - EDA Grant Reso 1-12-16, 6. Executed Resolution 013-2016, 7. C - EDA Grant Application Guidelines FY 2016 PL-LTA FFO FINAL 1-12-16, 8. Public Comment Rcvd 1-11-16 BOS 1-12-16
Related files: 18-1612, 18-0077, 19-1821, 18-0950, 20-0835, 21-1319, 21-1150, 20-0956, 18-1190, 18-1889, 22-0412, 22-1244, 23-1486


Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board:

1) Accept and authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or designee to sign a $75,000 grant award from the Economic Development Administration Planning Program and Local Technical Assistance Program, for the purposes of conducting a Broadband feasibility study; and

2) Approve the attached budget transfer increasing revenue and appropriations by $75,000 to reflect the grant award amount (4/5 vote required).


FUNDING: Grant Funds and General Fund (Transient Occupancy Tax).



Accept a $75,000 grant award from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) Planning Program and Local Technical Assistance Program (Program), for the purposes of conducting a Broadband feasibility study.



On September 1, 2015, the Board held a workshop session on the state of Broadband infrastructure in El Dorado County (Agenda Item 27, Legislative File 15-1020).  The September 2015 workshop was in preparation for an application to the EDA for Program funds that could be used to complete a feasibility study for the County regarding the improvement of Broadband infrastructure.  Program funds can be used for planning and evaluation reports that support building economic capacity and resiliency for an area or region. 


On January 12, 2016, the Board adopted Resolution 013-2016, approving the submittal of an application for an Economic Development Agency (EDA) Planning Program and Local Technical Assistance Program Grant for the purposes of completing a Broadband feasibility study; authorizing the Chief Administrative Officer to sign all documents applicable to the grant application; certifying that the County has budgeted $75,000 for the purposes of providing matching funds for a potential EDA Planning Program and Local Technical Assistance Program Grant; and designating the County’s Economic Development Manager as the contact for the grant application.


The County was recently notified by the EDA that the grant has been awarded in the amount of $75,000.  The next step is for the Board to officially accept the award, by today's action.  Due to current staff vacancies, it is also recommended that the Board designate the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, as the contact for the grant.  


Independent analysis of the current Broadband deployment in the County indicates that its best broadband capacity is slightly less than average grade in terms of speed (download and upload) and access to service providers, with a majority of the County being either substantially underserved or unserved in Broadband service.  The lack of Broadband hinders the County's efforts to attract new businesses, create jobs, and educate and retain its residents.  


The Broadband feasibility analysis is intended to accomplish the following goals:


1. Analyze the state of existing Broadband infrastructure in the county (excluding the Tahoe region which has an existing analysis);

2. Provide an "action plan" for the improvement of Broadband in the County by identifying relevant projects that can be accomplished efficiently as a way to incentivize private Broadband development; recommend policy improvements to facilitate Broadband deployment; and

3. Identify applicable funding sources that could be utilized for a plan lasting 5-10 years.


Current partners with the County on the proposed Broadband Strategy include Valley Vision, the Sierra Economic Development Corporation (SEDCorp), and Tahoe Prosperity Center.



The Board could choose to not accept the grant award, and direct staff on alternatives in the pursuit of expanding broadband services within the County.



The El Dorado County Transportation Commission and Community Development Agency have been involved with this Broadband effort.



Recommend approval.



There is no change to Net County Cost associated with the acceptance of the grant award.  The required matching funds in the amount of $75,000 have been included in the FY 2016-17 CAO - Economic Development Division budget for this purpose. 






Economic Development



Shawne Corley, x5123