File #: 14-1586    Version:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 4/29/2016 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 6/6/2017 Final action: 6/6/2017
Title: Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division and the Probation Department are jointly recommending the Board approve Resolution 231-2014, Amendment II. The Resolution is being amended a second time to add Section 9, “In addition to the $480,000 cash match identified in Section 5, identifies additional general fund cash contribution, when appropriated, of $720,000, for a total County cost of $1.2 million, and assures that state and county cash matching funds do not replace funds otherwise dedicated or appropriated for construction of a new Placerville Juvenile Hall.” FUNDING: General Fund and State SB81, Round Two LYORF Construction Funding.
Attachments: 1. 5A - SB 81 EDC PDCA Executed Copy-Blue 06/06/17, 2. 5B - SB 81 EDC PDCA Execution Copy 6/6/17, 3. Executed Project Delivery and Construction Agreement, 4. 4A - Blue Route Reso 231-2014 AMD III 3-28-17, 5. 4B - Reso 231-2014 AMDT III 3-28-17, 6. 4C - PDCA Agreement 3-28-17, 7. Executed Resolution 231-2014 Amd III, 8. 3A - Reso 231-2014 AMD II Blue Route 12-6-16, 9. 3B - Reso 231-2014, AMDT II - SB81 Round Two LYORF Construction Funding 12/06/16, 10. Executed Resolution 231-2014, Amendment II, 11. 2A - BSCC letters 6/28/16, 12. 2B - Reso 231-2014 AMDT I-Blue 06/28/16, 13. 2C - Reso 231-2014, AMDT I - SB81 Round Two LYORF Construction Funding 06/28/16, 14. Executed Resolution 231-2014 Amendment I, 15. A - SB81 Round 2-Approved Blue 12/2/14, 16. B - SB81 Round BOS reso 12-2-14, 17. C - Section 8 El Dorado County Juvenile Hall Needs Assessment 12/2/14, 18. Executed Revised Resolution 231-2014 12-2-14 item 39.pdf
Related files: 21-0645, 19-0170, 24-0461, 21-1328, 19-1757, 21-0373


Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division and the Probation Department are jointly recommending the Board approve Resolution 231-2014, Amendment II. The Resolution is being amended a second time to add Section 9, “In addition to the $480,000 cash match identified in Section 5, identifies additional general fund cash contribution, when appropriated, of $720,000, for a total County cost of $1.2 million, and assures that state and county cash matching funds do not replace funds otherwise dedicated or appropriated for construction of a new Placerville Juvenile Hall.”


FUNDING:  General Fund and State SB81, Round Two LYORF Construction Funding.



The Departments are recommending amending Resolution 231-2014 a second time to add Section 9 that will clarify county cash match and total county cost.



The juvenile detention facility serving the west slope communities of El Dorado County is currently rated as “near end of life” building and no longer reasonably serviceable.  Additionally, the 1971 design lacks appropriate and needed space for providing mandatory rehabilitation services for youth. The need for the County to replace or substitute the facility is eminent. Senate Bill 81 (2007) provided grant funding to local government for the expansion, replacement or renovation of existing juvenile hall facilities.  A 2014 needs assessment indicated that expansion or renovation of existing space was not cost effective and therefore recommended replacement of the existing facility.


On September 12, 2014 the BSCC issued a Request for Proposals for Senate Bill 81, Round Two LYORF Program funding. On December 2, 2014 after the presentation of agenda item #14-1586, the Board authorized the submission of the funding application to the BSCC and adopted Resolution #231-2014.


The SB81 funding application was submitted December 19, 2014. On April 13, 2015 a letter was received from BSCC stating that on April 9, 2015 El Dorado County was issued a conditional award of $9.6 million. Accompanying the award was a requirement to proceed through due diligence in a period of ninety days. The County subsequently returned to the BSCC with a proposal to build a replacement facility including a twenty (20) bed housing unit with infrastructure sufficient to support a forty (40) bed facility in consideration of a future build out. 


On March 10, 2016 Chief Probation Officer, Brian Richart, requested of the BSCC a scope change to reduce the original proposal from a 40 bed facility to 20 bed facility and an extension of the deadline in which to engage in the due diligence process to October 1, 2016. By letter dated April 28, 2016, the BSCC approved El Dorado County’s request at the April 14, 2016 meeting.


On June 28, 2016 the Board amended Resolution #231-2014 for the first time, to reflect the conditions for the project, including identifying the site selected, provide a commitment of county funds and their source and make certain appointments for principal parties to the project.  The Board was also to direct the establishment of a Cruise Account with the State for the completion of the Due Diligence process relative to the Real Estate transactions involved in the provision of State financing of the project.


The Departments are requesting to amend Resolution 231-2014 a second time to add Section 9 - In addition to the $480,000 cash match identified in Section 5, identifies additional general fund cash contribution, when appropriated, of $720,000, for a total County cost of $1.2 million, and assures that state and county cash matching funds do not replace funds otherwise dedicated or appropriated for construction of a new Placerville Juvenile Hall, that will clarify county cash match and total county cost.






CAO Facilities



Approve as recommended.



Total projected cost for the proposed project is estimated by Vanir Construction Management, Inc. at approximately $10.8 million.   At this time, it is estimated a replacement facility will require comparable operational costs as the existing facility. 


 $1.2 million is included in the Capital Outlay Fund, with $300,000 programmed for preliminary project costs, including potential planning and design expenses in FY 16-17.  These funds were identified at the BOS meeting of 4/29/16.


No change to Net County Cost FY 2016/2017.



1.  The Chair of the Board will sign Resolution # 231-2014, Amendment II, and clerk to return three (3) certified copies to the Probation Department





Brian Richart, Chief Probation Officer

Russ Fackrell, CAO Facilities Manager