Department of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the First Amendment to Agreement for Services 3498 with Geocon Consultants, Inc. for on-call materials testing services, to extend the performance period two years for a total of five years, update contract language per California Department of Transportation federal funding requirements, update the fee schedule, and increase the not-to-exceed amount by $35,000 to $145,000.
FUNDING: Various Capital Improvement Program and Environmental Improvement Program funding from Federal, State, and Local sources. Local funding sources may include any combination of the following: Traffic Impact Fee Program, Missouri Flat Area Master Circulation and Financing Plan, Road Fund, Tribe Funds, Accumulative Capital Outlay, Developer Advanced Funds, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Grant Funds, and/or General Fund.
On January 8, 2019, Item 16, Legistar 18-1707, the Board approved Agreement for Services 3498 (Agreement) with Geocon Consultants, Inc. (Geocon) for on-call materials testing services. The Department of Transportation (Transportation) has a materials testing lab that can perform nearly all of the testing needed for construction projects; however, there are some specialized tests which they cannot perform and must be sent out to a consultant. Currently, the materials lab is understaffed due to the unexpected resignations of two staff members. While recruitment and training is in process, Geocon may be needed to cover some testing that would normally be done in-house.
The First Amendment (Amendment) to the Agreement will extend the term two years, update the fee schedule, and increase the not-to-exceed amount by $35,000 to $145,000. The updates to the fee schedule include adding testing and hourly staff rates that were not included in the original agreement. These updates were requested by Transportation to ensure adequate coverage d...
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