Planning and Building Department, Planning Services Division, Long Range Planning Unit, recommending the Board:
1) In accordance with Chapter 3.13, Contracting Out, Section 3.13.030 of County Ordinance Code, find that due to the limited time frames, temporary or occasional nature, or schedule for the project or scope of work, the ongoing aggregate of work to be performed is not sufficient to warrant addition of permanent staff to assist the County with the development of Permit Ready Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Plan program; and
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 1 to Agreement 4511 with PlaceWorks, adding Task 19- Permit Ready ADU Plans to the Scope of Work, increasing the compensation by $106,809 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $220,671, adding related exhibits to reflect additional costs to Task 19, and update the County’s Contract Administrator for the remaining term of the three year contract.
FUNDING: Senate Bill 2 (SB2) Building Homes and Jobs Act Planning Grants Program.
On March 10, 2020, the Board of Supervisors accepted a grant award in the amount of $310,000 for Senate Bill 2 (SB2) Building Homes and Jobs Act Planning Grants Program funds to accelerate the production of housing for two activities. The first activity is Community Design Standards for multi-family residential development in the Community Region of Shingle Springs. The second activity is the Permit Ready Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Plans Program. The ADU plan program is expected to encourage the construction of ADUs by offering property owners a pre-approved ADU building plan and optional facades.
Staff is working with consultants, PlaceWorks Inc., for the County’s General Plan Housing Element Update for 2021-2029. In addition to that effort, staff is proposing a contract amendment with PlaceWorks to add the Permit Ready ADU Plan Program to the scope of work. PlaceWorks is well qualified to assist the County with this project. PlaceWorks Associate Principal, Bruce Brubaker, will oversee and manage the ADU Prototype project. Mr. Brubaker is a registered architect in California. In addition, PlaceWorks will team with Rachel Allen Development Architecture Research Inc., (RADAR), Brandow and Johnston (B&J) and REX Engineering (REX) Consultants. All of these team members have extensive experience working on ADUs and other residential projects.
PlaceWorks will assist County with the preparation of designs and drawings for a County-approved, Permit Ready ADU Plan program with various elevation options. Although some site-specific design work will be required due to the topographic diversity in the county, a property owner can dramatically reduce pre-construction costs and receive expedited building permits by utilizing these plans. Project management will be conducted with a combination of County staff time and consultant services. The Permit Ready ADU Plan program will serve as the foundation for the implantation of the County’s housing strategy to develop, and offer free of charge, prototype plans for ADUs to reduce permit costs and encourage housing options affordable to lower income households.
Expenditure of the SB2 grant funds supporting this project will expire in December 2022. With approval of this contract amendment the County can meet the expenditure deadline.
The Board could direct staff not to proceed with contract Amendment 1 to Agreement 4511 for services to prepare the Permit Ready ADU Plan program, which could delay the Project beyond the expenditure deadline of December 2022, jeopardizing funding.
On March 10, 2020, the Board of Supervisors accepted a grant award in the amount of $310,000 for SB2 Building Homes and Jobs Act Planning Grants Program Planning Priorities Grant funds (PPG) (Standard Agreement 19 PPG-13433) to accelerate the production of housing for two activities. (See Board Agenda Minutes March 10, 2020, Item No.18, Legistar File No. 20-0170).
Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts, County Counsel and Risk Management
Approve as recommended.
Costs associated with the ADU Pre-Approved Plan project will be grant funded. No matching funds are required from the County for this grant funding. The grant allows for staff time directly related to the activity administration to be reimbursed with grant funds. Under the terms of the PGP grant funding, all activities must be completed and grant funds expended by December 31, 2022.
1) The Clerk of the Board to obtain the Chair’s signature on two (2) originals for contract Amendment I for Agreement No. 4511 with PlaceWorks; and
2) The Clerk of the Board to return one (1) fully executed Original of the Agreement to the Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division for further processing.
Good Governance: Promote the development of resources to identify and pursue additional revenue including local, state, federal and private funding for new and existing projects.
Robert Peters, Deputy Director of Planning
Planning and Building Department