File #: 21-1397    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 8/17/2021 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 8/31/2021 Final action: 8/31/2021
Title: HEARING - To consider the unanimous recommendation for approval from the Planning Commission on General Plan Amendment GPA21-0002/2021-2029 Housing Element Update; and recommending the Board of Supervisors (Board) take the following actions: 1) Adopt the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Addendum to the El Dorado County’s General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR), certified in July 2004 (State Clearinghouse Number 2001082030) demonstrating that the analysis in that EIR adequately addresses the potential physical impacts associated with implementation of the proposed project and the proposed project would not trigger any of the conditions described in the CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR or negative declaration based on the analysis prepared by staff; 2) Approve General Plan Amendment GPA21-0002 amending the General Plan to incorporate the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update based on Findings as presented by staff; and 3) Adopt a...
Attachments: 1. A - Blue Route EIR Addendum_tas_Approved, 2. B - Blue Route 2021 HE Update_tas_Approved, 3. C - Blue Route Resolution_Approved, 4. D - El Dorado County_Addendum_Final_8-5-21_Approved, 5. E - Findings General Plan Amendment GPA21-0002_PC, 6. F - El DORADO CO_Housing Element_HCD Submittal_8.5.21_RedlineFinal, 7. G - El DORADO CO_Housing Element_Adoption Draft_8.5.21_CLEAN, 8. H - Resolution_Request xxx-2021 Housing Element Update, 9. I - Response to Public Comment from 7-19-21 Workshop, 10. J - Summary of Revisions to Public Draft, 11. K - BOS Presentation Adoption Hearing 8-31-21, 12. L - Staff Report HE Update, 13. M - Planning Commission Minutes8-17-21, 14. N - Proof of Publication-Mt. Democrat, 15. O - Proof of Publication-Tahoe Daily Tribune, 16. P - Proof of Publication-Georgetown Gazette, 17. Executed Resolution 107-2021
Related files: 21-1087, 20-1320, 19-1865, 19-1575, 19-0219, 18-1146, 21-1354, 22-0407, 24-0411


HEARING - To consider the unanimous recommendation for approval from the Planning Commission on General Plan Amendment GPA21-0002/2021-2029 Housing Element Update; and recommending the Board of Supervisors (Board) take the following actions:

1) Adopt the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Addendum to the El Dorado County’s General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR), certified in July 2004 (State Clearinghouse Number 2001082030) demonstrating that the analysis in that EIR adequately addresses the potential physical impacts associated with implementation of the proposed project and the proposed project would not trigger any of the conditions described in the CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR or negative declaration based on the analysis prepared by staff;

2) Approve General Plan Amendment GPA21-0002 amending the General Plan to incorporate the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update based on Findings as presented by staff; and

3) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 107-2021 to amend the County General Plan to incorporate the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update.


FUNDING:  General Fund and California Department of Housing and Community Development Local Government Planning Support Grants Program, Regional Early Action Planning Grants.



On August 17, 2021, Planning staff presented the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update to the County General Plan (Project GPA21-0002) project to the Planning Commission (Item 1, Legistar File 21-1354).  Following closure of the public hearing and deliberation, Planning Commissioner Clerici made a motion to approve staff’s recommendation that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation to the Board to approve the Project, with a second by Commissioner Ross. The Planning Commission motion (5-0 vote for approval) recommends that the Board of Supervisors: 1) Adopt the Addendum to the El Dorado County General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR), certified in July 2004  (State Clearinghouse No. 2001082030); and, 2) Approve General Plan Amendment GPA21-0002 amending the General Plan to incorporate the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update. 


The full recommendation from the Planning Commission is summarized in the Planning Commission meeting minutes from August 17, 2021 (Legistar File 21-1354).  Agenda and Staff Reports are available prior at  General Plan Amendment GPA21-0002/2021-2029 Housing Element: Recommending the adoption of the revised Housing Element to the Board of Supervisors as required by California Government Code, Section 65580. This State statute requires the adoption of the Housing Element no later than September 10, 2021, or the County risks eligibility for future state and federal funding opportunities. The draft Housing Element was forwarded to the State Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) for review on June 7, 2021.  The County has received comments from HCD and will coordinate with the State department over the next several months on any revisions that may be necessary to ensure certification of the Element. [Project Lead: C.J. Freeland]


Additional detail is provided in the attached Staff Report.



The State of California has determined that housing is of vital importance to the economic, environmental, and social quality of life in California. As a result the state imposes consequences for failure to timely adopt and obtain certification of the Housing Element. For example, should the Housing Element not be adopted as required by the September 10, 2021 deadline, the County would not be eligible to apply for upwards of $9.0 million in funding opportunities for various housing, recreation and transportation grant funding.  In addition, the County would be placed on a 4-year update cycle for the Housing Element instead of the current 8-year cycle per Government Code Section 65588(e)(4). Such a requirement would double the County’s workload and cost relative to future Housing Element Updates.



On September 18, 2018, the Board adopted Resolution of Intention 193-2018 to amend the County General Plan by updating the Housing Element in 2021 as required by State law. (Agenda Item No. 20, Legistar File No. 18-1146.)


On March 19, 2019, the Board received a presentation from Greg Chew, Senior Planner for the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), and Paul McDougall, Policy Manager, Division of Housing Policy Development at HCD, regarding the methodology process for the 2021-2029 Regional Housing Needs Assessment for the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update of the General Plan. (Agenda Item No. 22, Legistar File No. 19-0219)


On November 19, 2019, the Board received a presentation from staff regarding an update to the methodology process for the Regional Housing Needs Assessment for the 2021-2029 General Plan Housing Element Update. (Agenda Item No. 36, Legistar File 19-1575)


On January 28, 2020, the Board approved the Chair’s signature on a three-year Agreement (Agreement 4511) with PlaceWorks, Inc. for the provision of services required for the General Plan Housing Element Update for the planning period of 2021-2029. (Agenda Item No. 25, Legistar File 19-1865)


On November 10, 2020, the Board adopted Resolution 171-2020, authorizing the Planning and Building Department Director to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with SACOG to accept $35,000 in grant funding under the Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) grant allocation from HCD Local Government Planning Support Grants Program. (Agenda Item No.32, Legistar File No. 20-1320.)


On July 19, 2021, the Board held a joint informational public workshop with the Planning Commission on the 2021-2029 Housing Element Public Review Draft to solicit input and encourage public participation during the process of updating the Housing Element of the County General Plan. (Agenda item No. 1, Legistar File No. 21-1087)



County Counsel and the California Department of Housing and Community Development.



N/A. Pursuant to Section 2.13.050 of the County Code of Ordinances, the Chief Administrative Officer does not make recommendations on those items scheduled for public hearing through the Planning Commission.



Cost for the project is paid from the Department’s existing budget, which comes from the General Fund, and is supplemented with $35,000 in funding from SACOG REAP grant allocation from HCD Local Government Planning Support Grants Program.



1) Clerk of the Board will obtain the Chair's signature on the Resolution.

2) Clerk of the Board will forward one (1) certified copy of the signed Resolution to the Planning and Building Department, Long Range Planning, attention of C.J. Freeland.



Good County Governance - Accountability with respect to laws, regulations and policies.

Healthy Communities - Achieve sufficient and attainable housing for all El Dorado County residents.

Economic Development - Provide attainable housing options - balance jobs with housing.



Rob Peters, Deputy Director of Planning

Planning and Building Department