Hearing to consider the Serrano Village A14 project (Planned Development PD08-0004/Tentative Subdivision Map TM08-1464)** to request: A) Development Plan for the Serrano Village A-14 residential subdivision including modifications to the development standards for the Single-Unit (R1) Residential Zone District including minimum lot size, minimum lot dimensions and building setbacks; B) A Phased Tentative Subdivision Map of a 35.78-acre parcel creating 51 single-unit residential lots ranging from 3,760 to 10,362 square feet in size, five landscape lots, one open space lot, three remainder lots and one 20.25-acre lot (for the approved Serrano Village C Phase 2 Tentative Map); and C) Design Waiver of the following El Dorado County Design and Improvement Standards Manual (DISM) road improvement standards: 1) Modification of Standard Plan 101B standards for roadway rights-of-way and improvement widths (including sidewalks and curbs) as shown on the Tentative Subdivision Map; 2) Reduction of a 100-foot centerline curve radii on B Street at Lots 3 and 43; 3) Modification of the standard road encroachment under Standard Plan 110 to allow for an entry gate and landscaping median at Russi Ranch Drive and future Country Club Drive; and 4) Reduction of standard lot frontage width of 60 feet to 47 feet or as otherwise dimensioned on the tentative map; on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 122-590-003, consisting of 35.78 acres, in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by Serrano Associates LLC; and staff recommending the Planning Commission take the following actions:
1) Find the project to be Statutorily Exempt pursuant to Section 15182 of the CEQA Guidelines;
2) Approve Planned Development PD08-0004 and Tentative Subdivision Map TM08-1464 subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as presented; and
3) Approve the modified Design Waivers and Conditions of Approval as outlined in Staff Memo dated August 20, 2021.
(Supervisorial District 2) (Cont. 08/12/2021, Item 2)
At its scheduled August 12, 2021 public hearing, the Planning Commission voted to continue the item to the August 26, 2021 meeting directing staff to bring back edits to specific conditions of approval for further review. The attached staff memo details the edits to the Conditions of Approval based on the motion.
Rommel Pabalinas
Planning and Building Department, Planning Division