Chief Administrative Office and Human Resources returning to the Board with options to set the pay structure for elected department heads and consider approval of a resolution implementing one (1) of seven (7) options which include:
1) Maintain existing salary levels;
2) Maintain the existing amount of compensation;
3) Set the compensation for each elected department head based on the compensation of external comparable counties at the Median Compensation (median is the amount which divides the salaries into two equal groups, i.e. the half-way point);
4) Set the compensation for each elected department head based on the compensation of external comparable counties at the Average Compensation (average is obtained by dividing the total aggregate by the number of agencies surveyed, excluding El Dorado County);
5) Eliminate CPA differential and longevity pay for elected department heads; and
6) Set the compensation for each elected department head, to move toward adoption of an overall compensation plan, based on internal comparable appointed department heads compensation, salary compression of assistant department heads, and compensation structure of external comparable counties.
7) Identify an alternative approach for setting compensation for Elected Department Heads and direct staff to compile and return with those results.
On November 5, 2013 the Board of Supervisors considered changes to the compensation of Elected Department Heads and directed staff to return with proposals to set their compensation structure. A detailed staff report outlining multiple options for the Board to consider is attached (Attachment 2A).
Actions to be taken following approval
Staff will implement direction of the Board.
Terri Daly, Chief Administrative Officer